Our director, Shigeru Yoshida was invited to “PhotoVisa 2014”, the international photo festival in Krasnodar, Russia.
SAMURAI FOTOのディレクターである写真家・吉田繁先生が国際写真フェスティバル「PhotoVisa 2014」に招待されました

The photo Visa is a photo festival that holds every November in Krasnodar, Russia. The exhibition that I joined in 2014 was the 6th photo festival. They had some workshops and held 36 photo exhibitions around the city. They also gave 13 lectures on photographs and photo portfolio reviews. During our one-week stay in Krasnodar, Shigeru Yoshida had his own photo exhibition and gave a lecture on his artworks. Through the photo-cultural exchanges with various photographers from many countries, we learned how this photo festival contributed to the society and the photographs could be a cultural bridge between the countries.


Guest photographers

About 30 artists were invited to PhotoVisa VI. The countries they were from; America, Argentina, Brazil, Venezuela, Peru, Switzerland, England, Italy, Belgium Finland, Portugal, Russia, Israel, Korea and so on. They are all famous photographers and experts of art photography. Curators and gallery owners were invited as well. It was surprising to know that many of the artists had already met Shigeru Yoshida at photo reviews held in other countries.

PhotoVisa Vlに招待されたのは約30名。アメリカ、アルゼンチン、ブラジル、ベネズエラ、ペルー、スイス、イギリス、イタリア、ベルギー、フィンランド、ポルトガル、ロシア、イスラエル、韓国などの著名な写真家たちと有名なアートのスペシャリストたちです。ギャラリーのオーナーや写真展のコーディネーター、キューレター、エディターなどが含まれます。吉田先生がこれまで参加したレビューで会ったことがあるゲストが多いのに驚きました。

Having an opening ceremony at the exhibition

From November 16th, the photo exhibitions of guest photographers had been held in various places. All the guests and the staff of PhotoVisa chartered a bus and visited those exhibitions and took part in an opening party together.

Volunteers of this festival and citizens were able to come and see the photo exhibitions and lectures. Every site was magnificent and festive drinks and canapes were served there. We enjoyed the cheerful atmosphere.

This is a photo of the exhibition held in the art museum. According to the atmosphere of the art works, they changed the exhibition site and the way of exhibiting. That idea became a great help for us.

This is a photo of the exhibition at a huge shopping mall. We could tell how hard it was for staff to arrange the hall and display art works.

A hall on the boutique, they not only put the photographs on the wall but hung them from the ceiling.

We got excellent service in everywhere at the festival, we were impressed by their warmhearted hospitality.

Thanks to their attitude of meticulousness, PhotoVisa became a great success

Evgeny Berezner, the person responsible of this festival, managed all the things and bore all the expenses such as photo printing, Airfare, the hotel, bus, one-week meal and so on. Hosting a generous festival like this wouldn’t be realized without the sufficient raising funds.
PhotoVisaのHeadであるEvgeny Bereznerさん。プリント代、航空運賃、ホテル、バス、1週間の飲食代などすべてを出してくれるという手厚いフェスティバルはその資金を集められるだけの力がないと実現しない。

IrinaChmyreva, an art director(center of the photo), was our interpreter. She arranged all the things for us. She helped us with photo exhibitions and party participating and transportation arrangements. She was such an attentive person and always showed her hospitality to all of us.
アートディレクターのIrina Chmyreva(写真中央)さんは通訳を務めながら、会場展示やパーティ、移動の手配など多くのことをこなされていた。参加者全員にいつも細やかな気配りをされていました。

This is a sushi restaurant where we stopped by during the exhibition tour. They had a nice place to eat. From dinner party to farewell party, even in everyday lunch, we could enjoy all the food.

Thanks to all the staff’s hospitality, we could have good cultural exchanges with various photographers and experts of art photographs from all over the world.

Solo Exhibition and Lecture of Shigeru Yoshida

I showed some pictures from one of my projects, ‘BORDER’. Before the exhibition opening, I got interviewed for TV.

At the exhibition, I got some questions about the beauty of the sensitive expression of black and white printing. I was surprised by their enthusiasms.

Video of the opening day of the exhibition, digest version

I gave one and a half hour lecture on my project, “PEACEFUL JOURNY-LOOKING FOR THE HIDDEN ENERGY OF PRAYER” at a classroom in the art school.

As my project this time is for the victims of the Great East Japan Earthquake, some people’s eyes were filled with tears during my lecture. After the lecture, just like the photo exhibition, there was a line for getting my autograph.

Video of the lecture on photographs, digest version

An important message I got from PhotoVisa

There were a lot of art schools in Krasnodar and the students from the school helped us as volunteers. They were the students of architectural course who helped Yoshida during his stay.

A photo of the farewell party. The time spending with those famous photographers at PhotoVisa would be a good experience for the students. ( 3 people from right in the photo)

At the end of the party, each name of volunteer-students was called, and the photo books of PhotoVisa VI were given. I was very impressed how the staff of PhotoVisa showed their appreciation to those students.
パーティの最後にはボランティアが一人一人の名前を読み上げられ、PhotoVisa Vlの写真集を贈呈されていた。彼らに対するねぎらい方にも感動させられました。

Even in the evening, a student came to the hotel to show his artwork. The guest artist gave him a photo review there. Whoever he is and whenever it is, it is a first step for the photo cultural exchanges.


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