hold on Nov 6th , 2016
Deborah Klochko has over thirty-year experience in photographic world and has been an executive director of Museum of Photographic Arts, or MOPA in San Diego, America for more than ten years. Even in the well-known photo review, it’s quite difficult to see the director-class person like her. Luckily, we could get portfolio reviews from her directly this time. She also told us how MOPA has been working on their activities to the world.
デボラさんは30年以上に亘りアメリカの写真界で活躍。サンディエゴにあるMOPA(Museum of Photographic Arts)のExecutive Directorを10年以上勤められてます。海外の著名なレビューに行ってもデボラさんのような館長クラスの方にはなかなかお目にかかれません。今回はアメリカを代表する写真美術館の活動についての講演と直接、アドバイスをいただける貴重な体験をさせていただきました。
Museum of Photographic Art or MOPA not only holds photo exhibitions but educates people on visible art. We have 12 hundred thousand people a year to the museum and have a collection of more than 9,000 photographs. There are a theater and a library which has 25,000 books on the property.
MOPAは写真展を開くだけでなく、Visible Artについての教育を目指しています。来場者は年間12万人でコレクションは9,000点に及びます。また、シアターや図書館(蔵書25,000冊)なども併設されています。
Deborah thinks that the museum should be a part of the world and also be a part of the times in which we live. That is her ideal museum. The museum should be the place not only having lots of installations but people can learn and communicate with. She has been educating not only children and elders but also refugees through visual learning programs..
In order to have the photo exhibition of our own at museums, Deborah said that we have to make “the work” first. And then we should join portfolio reviews and try to meet as many as curators there. It’s hardly difficult to see those kinds of curators, just by visiting museums.
美術館で写真展をしたい人はまず、「Make the work(作品をつくること)」。直接、美術館を訪ねても難しいので、さまざまなキューレターに出会えるポートフォリオーレビューに参加するのが早道だと教えていただいた。
One of their social engagement activities, MOPA holds photo auctions. Photographers who have a partnership with MOPA join this event and all proceeds from the auction will help their social activities. We, SAMURAI FOTO members joined this event as well.
Art work of Koji Murata;
He expresses his art works in printmaking style. He shot photos of shrines where some cute animal statues such as rabbits are enshrined instead of the lion-dog statues. Actually, he was wavering if his printing style art work would work well. Deborah said that it is O.K if he thinks this style is the best for him.
Deborah’s advice;
Your project is a timeless. You are interested in human nature so much and human beings are powerless before nature. I can tell from your art works. The combination of your idea is really good.
Art work of Etsutaka Masuda;
He made art works with black and white pictures of the improvisational dancer. Deborah liked his works because they are abstract and have good movements. She chose two pictures that she thought the most abstract among his artworks.
Deborah’s advice;
You need to think how to show your artworks effectively. You can change the order of the photographs along the flow of dance. Try to reduce a blank space and print it up to the edge of the paper. You can show your artworks energetically with hanging display.
Art work of Michiko Chiyoda;
By printing on a very sensitive Japanese paper Washi, she tried to express human’s sorrow in her black-and-white photographs with the theme of Yaoya Oshichi. With thinking of her lover, Yoshizo who made a pilgrimage throughout the rest of his life, she followed his footprints.
Deborah’s advice;
After seeing throughout Chiyoda’s entire art works, Deborah read the statement of Chiyoda’s. Deborah said that the idea of the project was beautiful and the prints were amazing, too. She liked the story of Yaoya Oshichi as well. The story made the art works more energetic.
Art work of Kazuhiro Sasaki;
Sasaki made two artworks. One is in a black-and-white printed and the other is color printed. His objects are flood-control dams and nature. Debora said that she saw the softness to the black and white picture image and she felt it too gray. She also said that the detail of the pictures were amazing and great.
Deborah’s advice;
In case of Sasaki’s photographs, making the art works with black and white is better than color print. Because in color print, the details would be conspicuous, which are not good. To make the art works better, you should shoot black and white pictures rather than shooting in color and change them into monochrome photos.
Art work of Hiroaki Hasumi;
Hasumi gave a presentation of his art work. He showed a gold-screen with spring cherry blossoms and black and white picture of winter cherry blossom. Deborah said that the presentation and Japanese craftsmanship was very good. She liked the winter cherry blossom picture better because no one would try to show the cherry blossom in winter. This will be very exciting for viewers.
Deborah’s advice;
The winter cherry blossom picture was highly acclaimed. The spaces between the branches were beautiful. Hasumi tried to express that the cherry blossoms and God are connecting and even without blossoms, the winter cherry blossom picture was a great success to show what he wants to express.
Nothing will make us happier than having visitors share their thoughts.