Deborah showed around MOPA and we got feedbacks on our artworks from her.

October 19th, 2019 / 2019年10月19日

We visited MOPA, a museum of photographic art in San Diego to see Deborah, an executive director. It was because we would participate in the opening ceremony of our group exhibition in LA and Deborah was delighted to see us in the museum.
Deborah showed us the backyard of the museum and checked our artworks. She also checked artworks of members who couldn’t come this time. She gave valuable advice on our artworks and besides that, she suggested us to join the exhibition of permanent collection in 2021. It was like a dream.
サンディエゴにあるMOPA (Museum of Photographic Arts)に、Executive Directorであるデボラ・クロチコさんを訪ねました。LAでのグループ展のオープニングに行くと連絡したところ、快く待っているというお返事をいただいたからです。デボラさんには館内のバックヤードまでも案内していただき、現地に来れなかったSAMURA I FOTOメンバーの作品も見ていただきました。たいへん貴重なアドバイスもいただ上、2021年に開催予定のパーマネント・コレクション展にも参加できるという夢のようなお話しも伺うことができました。

What MOPA aims for…
MOPA(Museum of Photographic Arts)の使命とは

MOPA is located within Balboa Park, San Diego. The park holds the world-famous zoo, called San Diego Zoo and museums with lots of attractive exhibits. There is also a beautiful garden in the park. It’s not too much to say that the park can be on Oasis of San Diego.

This is the entrance to the gallery. Inside of the building is modern-looking and this is the advanced art photographic museum with the latest technology.
ギャラリーのエントランス。館内はモダンな造りで、 その活動と展示も最新テクノロジーを活用した先進的 なアート写真美術館です

The mission of MOPA is to inspire, educate and engage the broadcast possible audience through the presentation, collection, and preservation of photography, film and video.

Inside of the museum and backyard

The library is the staff-only area. There were so many photo books around the world from old to new. Staffs can learn the history of photography here.

This is Deborah’s room. A big fine art photography taken by a Dutch photographer, collection of stones and the old cameras were decollated in the room.

In order to check all artworks from all over the world one-by-one, they classified each room by purposes, like temporarily storeroom before the exhibition, matting and framing room, and storeroom of the return artworks etc. We understand how well they take care of the artworks delicately.

We enjoyed seeing the exhibition, “The Stories They Tell: A Hundred Years of Photography”. Photographs of famous photographers from each era were exhibited and we could see them in chronological order.
2020年2月までの展示 は”The Stories They Tell: A Hundred Years of Photography”。各年代の著名な写真家の作品を時系列で見られました。

There is a theater which can hold more than 200 people. They sell donated artworks by auction and use the money for educational activities for children and elders. Their activities are really amazing.

Still images become dots and create a large video mosaic. They use the latest technology throughout the activities and what we were interested in most was children’s works, which they synthesized the pictures that they had taken.

Portfolio Review by Deborah

Michiko Chiyoda and Hiroshi Harada were sorry that they couldn’t come to LA this time. Deborah was kind enough to check their artworks. She was a real pro that she gave shrewd advice at once.

Koji Murata’s artworks; Deborah remembered his artworks of three years ago. Compared to the former one, his works look more quiet and beautiful.

Hiroaki Hasumi’s artworks; When she saw the project “Samadhi”, she advised how to exhibit effectively. Photographs should be composed like music, and we should think of the space between the photographs.

Motoko Sato’s artworks; her photographs are well designed as one big project but there is one photo which doesn’t fit in them. She said this photo should be removed from this project and use for another one.

Shigeru Yoshida’s artworks; His ambrotype photography of big trees, Deborah pointed out that the ambrotype photography isn’t that old in the history of photography. Those big trees are old but the technique is modern.

Deborah gave us a photo book of photographers in California of MOPA. She even prepared it to other SAMURAI members in Japan.

With sincere gratitude

A short movie of our day at MOPA

When we asked Deborah if we could see her in LA, she kindly accepted our offer. We expected to see her just for nearly an hour or so because she was such a really busy person.But in reality, Deborah spent almost all day with us. She showed around the museum and did a portfolio review for us.And more than that, she invited us to her favorite restaurant and enjoyed the meal together. We were all grateful for her hospitality.And more than that, she invited us to her favorite restaurant and enjoyed the meal together. We were all grateful for her hospitality.We were so happy to see Deborah in LA and thankful for giving us such a great opportunity to join the exhibition. Thank you so much for your time. We are all grateful for your hospitality, Deborah.

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