November 26th - December 4th, 2020 / 2020年11月26~12月4日
This is the first group exhibition of SAMURAI FOTO in Japan in 2 years and 9 months since February 2018. During that time, we have held group exhibitions and solo exhibitions in foreign countries such as Russia, Italy, and Los Angeles. We had held exhibitions and lectures at galleries and museums and interacted with people from all over the world. Through those experiences, we learned a lot of things. However, the world situation has changed due to the Covid-19 since this year. Our activities for the exhibitions and cultural exchanges between foreign countries were drastically restricted. Even in such a hard situation, we didn’t want to give up our desires and have been thinking and searching for what we can do for people with our artworks. We have aimed to contribute to the world with the artworks since the foundation of SAMURAI FOTO. We have decided not to stop our desires for art and keep going on showing artworks to the world. By doing so, we can show our gratitude to anyone who had helped us; curators, gallery owners, and museum staff. We can also send a message “let’s move forward together” to people around the world. We named our group exhibition “Endless Discovery,” which means it’s our never-ending exploration of photographic expressions and a new discovery.
SAMURAI FOTOの日本国内でのグループ展は2018年2月以来、2年9か月ぶりになります。その間、私たちはロシア、イタリア、ロサンゼルスなどでグループ展や個展を開催してきました。ギャラリーや美術館での展示やレクチャーを行ない、世界の人々と交流し多くのことを学ばせていただきました。
SAMURAI FOTOの創立からの目的は「作品で世界に貢献すること」です。コロナ禍でも立ち止まらずに作品を発表し続ける。それによって、今まで指導していただいたキュレーター、ギャラリー、美術館への恩返しをし、世界の人たちに「一緒に前進しましょう」というメッセージを送る。それは私たちの終わりなき写真表現への探求であり、新たな発見でもあることからこの写真展を “ Endless Discovery ”と名付けました。
Striped House Gallery is four-minute walk from Roppongi station. Our photo exhibition was held in the first basement and the first floor of the building.
Striped House Gallery
In the first basement, we held the triumphal exhibition of SAMURAI FOTO exhibition held in Erarta Museum in St. Petersburg from September 24th to November 22nd. We exhibited the same artworks as the photo exhibition in Erarta Museum.
Click here for the photo exhibition report
B1Fは9/24~11/22にサンクトペテルブルグのエルータ美術館で開催されていたSAMURAI FOTO展の凱旋展。同じ作品を展示しました。
The triumphal exhibition was held in the open and quiet space on the basement floor. We showed our promotion video at the site.
地下の静かで広々としたエルータ美術館凱旋写真展会場。美術館の会場と同じSAMURAI FOTOメンバーのプロモーション動画を流しました。
The first floor is for the SAMURAI FOTO members’ exhibition. They exhibited their new projects. People can see a wide variety of photographs; color photography, black and white, digital, classical technique photography, glass plate photography, and printed on Japanese washi paper.
一階はSAMURAI FOTOメンバーによる新プロジェクトの展示スペース。カラー、モノクロ、デジタル、古典技法、ガラス板に和紙とバラエティに富んでいます。
On November 28th, Saturday, staff from CANNON provided a detailed explanation of the latest printer, PRO-300 and PRO-200. PRO-300 equipped with 10-color pigment ink, “LUCIA PRO”, and PRO-200 is with new 8-color dye ink. Both have good reproducibility in the high-density range of black color.
11月28日(土)はキヤノンのPRO-G1、S1について詳細に説明していただきました。10色「LUCIA PRO」顔料インクを搭載したPRO-G1と新8色染料インクの PRO-S1は共に黒の高濃度域の再現性がいいと伺いました。
The software "Media Configuration Tool" manages paper setting information and can add any other companies’ paper information easily. The printer has become much easier to use. You will have more fun printing your photos if you add profiles of paper, such as Japanese washi paper.
用紙設定情報を作成管理するソフトウエア「Media Configuration Tool」は他社の用紙が簡単に追加できるようになり、より使いやすくなりました。和紙などのプロファイルを追加しておけばプリントが楽になります。
CANNON printer developers demonstrated printing using many kinds of paper in person so that we could follow and understand easily. With this newly installed function, we can enjoy easy-print and see the beautiful prints.
Koji Murata, who is knowledgeable about printing among SAMURAI FOTO, compared of printers of CANNON PRO-300 and EPSON printer SC-PX3V. He printed photos with glossy paper, matte paper and Japanese washi paper and showed us the difference.
SAMURAI FOTOで最もプリントに詳しい村田光司さんはPRO-G1とエプソンSC-PX3Vのプリント特性を比較。光沢紙、マット紙、和紙を使用してプリントした結果を発表してくれました。
They succeeded in significant downsizing and achieved a good balance between high image quality and productivity. PRO-300 is about 85% of the volume of PRO-10. They also succeeded in high-speed printing of about 2 minutes and 50 seconds despite using pigments. (using Canon photo paper, glossy gold A3 elongation size print. The photo is PRO-200.)
As a result of Murata's verification, black density is almost the same, but the photo printed by PRO-300 is slightly better. The vividness of the color is superior to PRO-200. PRO-300 has excellent monochrome mode gradation accuracy and gray stability.
村田さんの検証の結果、黒の濃度はほぼ同じだが、 PRO-G1が僅差で良好。色の鮮やかさはPRO-S1に軍配。G1はモノクロモードの階調の精度、グレーの安定性が抜群だという。
Shigeru Yoshida / 吉田 繁
Noriko Aoyama / 青山 紀子
Koji Murata / 村田 光司
Michiko Chiyoda / 千代田 路子
Hiroaki Hasumi / 蓮見 浩明
Kazuhiro Sasaki / 佐々木 一弘
Motoko Sato / 佐藤 素子
Ryoko Hirai / 平井 良子
We thank everyone who came to see our exhibition even in coronavirus pandemic.
May 2021 be a good year for everyone…..We, SAMURAI FOTO, are planning to hold solo and group exhibitions in Japan next year. We are looking forward to seeing you again soon.
2021年が皆様にとって良い一年になりますように……。SAMURAI FOTOは来年も国内での個展やグループ展を予定しています。皆様にまたお会いできる日を楽しみにしています。
Nothing will make us happier than having visitors share their thoughts.