Now, our group exhibition, which was held in ERARTA Museum in St. Petersburg, has been held in one of the most prestigious galleries in Ekaterinburg.

January 26th - April 15th, 2021 / 2021年1月26~4月15日

SAMURAI FOTO group exhibition, “Masters of Contemporary Japanese Photography” was held in ERARTA Museum from September to November last year and then we held the triumphal exhibition in Tokyo from November 26th to December 4th. After that, the 3 months touring exhibition of SAMURAI FOTO started in Glavny Prospect Gallery in Ekaterinburg at the beginning of 2021. The title of the exhibition is “Japanese scenery-Real and Unreal”. This exhibition focuses on three aspects, the delicate sense of the Japanese people for nature, new hybrid techniques mixing digital and analog techniques, and Japanese paper washi printings. We are deeply grateful to everyone’s support for our touring exhibition in such a difficult situation of COVID-19 pandemic.

昨年9~11月にエルータ美術館で開催されていたSAMURAI FOTO展「日本の現代写真の匠たち」は その後、日本で11/26~12/4に東京で凱旋展を開催。さらに2021年になってからはエカテリンブルグのGlavny Prospect Galleryで3カ月の巡回展が開催されています。その展覧会のタイトルは「日本の風景ーリアルトとアンリアル」。自然に対する日本人の繊細な感覚と、デジタルとアナログを混成させた新技法と和紙プリントに注目した展覧会です。コロナ禍の困難な社会情勢の中、巡回展の開催に協力してくださった皆様に心より感謝しています。

In the Gallery, at Glavny Prospect Gallery in Ekaterinburg, Russia.
ギャラリー風景, エカテリンブルグ ロシア

There was a simple guide sign at the entrance where face photos and profiles of the participant members of SAMURAI FOTO were exhibited. Visitors could see a short movie of the members, which was also used in ERARTA Museum, at the entrance.
ギャラリーの入り口には、シンプルな案内ディスプレイが。そして、会場に入ると、参加クラブ員の顔写真と紹介文が展示された。また、ERARTA MUSEUMでも利用した各自が作った動画が会場入口で見れるように配置された。

A local TV crew came to the opening ceremony. Prominent public figures were invited and they quietly enjoyed Japanese scenery photographs.

There were six participant members, likewise at ERARTA Museum: Shigeru Yoshida, Hiroaki Hasumi, Motoko Sato, Kouji Sasaki, Hiroshi Harada and Everett Kennedy Brown.
参加メンバーは、ERARTA MUSEUMでの展示同様、吉田繁、蓮見浩明、佐藤素子、佐々木浩二、原田浩司、エバレットケネディブラウン。の6名です。

This is a video showing, what the exhibition was like.

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