The 44 artworks of six members of SAMURAI FOTO have been selected for the permanent preservation in the museum!
The Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts announced on its website about the permanent collections.
Apr 17th, 2024

SAMURAI FOTOの6名の44作品が永久保存に決定!

Apr 17th, 2024/2024年4月17日

The Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts in Moscow owns approximately 100,000 items. The museum is the second largest in the world after the Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg. In this world-famous museum, a total of 44 artworks of the six SAMURAI members, Shigeru Yoshida, Koji Sasaki, Motoko Sato, Hiroaki Hasumi, Koji Harada, and Koji Murata, have been selected for the permanent collection. They will be preserved for the next 100 to 200 years and eventually exhibited as representative Japanese art. They provided us with the permanent collection certificates. We would like to show these great works of art.

モスクワにある国立プーシキン美術館の収蔵品点数は約10万点。サンクトペテルブルクにあるエルミタージュ美術館に次ぐ世界第2位の美術館です。世界的に著名なこの美術館のパーマネント・コレクションとして、 SAMURAI FOTOメンバーの吉田繁先生、佐々木浩二さん、佐藤素子さん、蓮見浩明さん、原田広司さん、村田光司さんの6名の作品が収蔵されることになりました。合計点数は44点。100年後、200年後まで永久にその作品たちはプーシキン美術館の写真部門で保存され、いずれは日本を代表するファインアート作品として展覧会も開催されるようです。

The artworks were selected by Olga Averyanova (left), the chief curator of the Department of Photography, who holds a doctorate in art history. Andrey Martynov, who has been involved in planning SAMURAI FOTO exhibitions around the world, was the recommender. Yoshida and Kanie had met Olga in 2021. The picture of the big tree that Olga saw was Yoshida’s.

プーシキン美術館・写真部門チーフキュレーターのオルガ・アヴェリヤノさん(左)が作品をセレクト。世界各地で長年、SAMURAI FOTOの展覧会を企画してくださっているアンドレイ・マルティノフさんが推薦者。オルガさんには2021年に吉田繁先生と蟹江さんが面会しています。写真は吉田先生の巨樹のプリント。

This is a picture of Olga selecting a print of Hasumi. The Photography Department of the Museum was established in 2009. Its aim is to collect, store, and study unique materials related to the history of photography in the world and in Russia. They also show changes in artistic styles, development of photographic techniques and evaluation of technology.


We asked Olga why she chose our artworks for permanent preservation. She said, “We collect the most interesting and unique artworks in the history of photography, both at the local level and abroad. I thought that the original prints of SAMURAI FOTO can be said to be a representative collection of modern Japanese photography. Your works have enriched our collection at the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts. We will do our best to show the whole history of Japanese photography in Russia one day.”

オルガさんに永久保存に選んだ理由をお聞きしました。「国内外を問わず、写真史の中で最も興味深く、独創的な作家の作品を収集しています。SAMURAI FOTOのオリジナルプリントは日本の近代写真とその特徴を代表するコレクションで、プーシキン美術館の写真コレクションを豊かにしてくれました。いつかロシアで日本の写真史の全貌を紹介するため、私たちは最善を尽くしたいと願っています」とのことです。

Once an artwork becomes permanent, it is kept in the museum, which means it is treated as an important artwork to be passed on to the next generation. They show the photographer his/her work in storage.


The largest artworks of the selection are made by Murata, which were printed on a huge washi paper featuring lotus flowers. It may be highly evaluated for its uniquely Japanese expression and use of archival pigments from modern digital images.


Photographers and artworks / 作者と作品の紹介


A document from Elizaveta Likhacheva, the director of the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, regarding the decision for the permanent preservation.

プーシキン美術館のディレクターであるElizaveta Likhachevaさんから吉田繁先生に届いた永久保存決定に関する書類。

A total of 12 of his artworks were selected from 4 projects. You can see them on the website of the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts

Museum Web Site


A document from Elizaveta Likhacheva, the director of the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, regarding the decision for the permanent preservation.

プーシキン美術館のディレクターであるElizaveta Likhachevaさんからから佐々木さんに届いた永久保存決定に関する書類。

A total of 4 of his artworks were selected from 2 projects. You can see them on the website of the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts

Museum Web Site


A document from Elizaveta Likhacheva, the director of the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, regarding the decision for the permanent preservation.

プーシキン美術館のディレクターであるElizaveta Likhachevaさんからから村田さんに届いた永久保存決定に関する書類。

A total of 4 of his artworks were selected from 2 projects. You can see them on the website of the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts

Museum Web Site


A document from Elizaveta Likhacheva, the director of the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, regarding the decision for the permanent preservation.

プーシキン美術館のディレクターであるElizaveta Likhachevaさんからから蓮見さんに届いた永久保存決定に関する書類。

A total of 12 of his artworks were selected from 4 projects. You can see them on the website of the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts

Museum Web Site


A document from Elizaveta Likhacheva, the director of the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, regarding the decision for the permanent preservation.

プーシキン美術館のディレクターであるElizaveta Likhachevaさんから原田さんに届いた永久保存決定に関する書類。

A total of 4 of his artworks were selected from 1 project. You can see them on the website of the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts

Museum Web Site


A document from Elizaveta Likhacheva, the director of the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, regarding the decision for the permanent preservation.

プーシキン美術館のディレクターであるElizaveta Likhachevaさんから佐藤さんに届いた永久保存決定に関する書類。

A total of 8 of her artworks were selected from 2 projects. You can see them on the website of the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts

Museum Web Site

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