7 members of SAMURAI FOTO participated in the Portfolio Review of FOTO FEST 2018. We held a debrief session and talked how it was like, how we made the projects and how the reviewers gave us the opinions. After the review, each of the participants set their own future goals and told their passion for the photography. From Hokkaido and Kyushu, and even from Malaysia, Japanese photographers gathered and listened to us on that day.
SAMURAI FOTOメンバー7名が参加したFOTO FEST 2018のポートフォリオレビュー。その実際の参加者たちによる報告会を行ないました。FOTO FESTとはどのようなものか。どんなプロジェクトに仕上げ、どのような評価を受けたのか。その結果、これからどのような取り組みをしていこうと考えたのか。レビュー参加者たちそれぞれが熱く発表。そして、それらの報告を聞くために、遠くは北海道、九州、マレーシアから日本の写真家たちが集まってくださいました。
As Setsuko Kanie, a director of SAMURAI FOTO, has been to FOTO FEST four times before, she told the basic outline about the event; it is the largest event which is held in spring biennially in Houston. About 500 photographers and 150 reviewers gather from around the world.
ディレクターの蟹江さんはFOTO FESTの取材が4回目。隔年春、ヒューストンで開催されるFOTO FESTのポートフォリオレビューは約500名の写真家と150名のレビュワーが世界中から参加する世界最大規模であることなど、概要を説明してもらいました。
Motoko Sato had attended the Portfolio Review of Higasikawa International Photo Festival in Hokkaido a few times before though it was her first time to go to the Portfolio Review in abroad. She took her own made mini sized washi paper photo book to the review, which helped her a lot at the presentation.
Alfo Maeta had experienced a photo review in Arles four years ago. There, it was a great challenge for him to make people understand and accept him because no one knew who he was. Based on that experience in Arles, he brought a picture book using his photographs to the portfolio review this time and also introduced his website.
As Noriko Aoyama was a professional photographer, she had been taking photographs just for her career for a long time. It was her first challenge to the review in Houston. She told us about what made her decide to make the artworks for her own self and showed us the artworks that she brought to the portfolio review.
ポートフォリオレビュー初挑戦の青山さんはもともと職業写真家。長年、仕事としてだけ写真撮影してきた彼女がなぜ自分の作品制作に取り組むようになり、今回のFOTO FESTポートフォリオレビューのためにどのような作品を仕上げて持っていったかなどを語ってもらいました。
Michiko Chiyoda has attended portfolio reviews three times before. Every time she finished her presentation, she learned from the feedback and brushed it up. Then her presentation got better and better. She showed and shared what she learned there. She reflected about the reviews and analyzed them. Then she tried to find a new step to go next, which seemed really impressive.
At the previous FOTO FEST, Michiko Chiyoda got advice from a reviewer to make a photo book of her photographs. So she was amenable to advice and made one with washi paper. She brought one and showed guests this time. This is one of the advantages that she got at the portfolio reviews. She learned what “Personal is Universal” meant at the FOTO FEST and she set her own theme. Her new project will be more profound one.
千代田さんは前回のFOTO FESTでレビュワーさんから薦められた和紙での前作の手作り本も用意。これも前回のレビュー経験を活かしています。また、今回のFOTO FESTでは「Personal is Universal」であることを学ぶとともに自分のテーマが見えてきたという。新作のプリント作品もより深遠なものになりそうだ。
We had a panel discussion with four women participants of FOTO FEST. They said it would be tough if each of them had to challenge to the portfolio review by all themselves but as they could take part in the review in a group, they didn’t have to get air tickets or book hotels individually. They had many benefits to work as a group. They could work together for all the arrangements like translating reviewers’ profiles.
今回のFOTO FEST参加者7名のうちの女性4名でトークセッションをしてもらいました。海外のレビュー挑戦は一人ではたいへんだが、航空券とホテルなどの手配もツアーを組んでやってもらえたし、レビュワーのプロフィールの和訳など手分けしてできることも多く、クラブならではメリットを感じたという。
For three of them among the female members, it was their first challenge to get the photo review this time. They were all nervous at first, but more than that, they were full of excitement to go there. Every single moment was a great experience and they got something valuable there. It was surely hard to make art works though it was worth participating in the review in abroad. Seeing other photographers’ dynamic art works make them motivate to create highly art works. They are eager to join the photo review next time.
4人のうち初めてのFOTO FESTだった3人は行く前は緊張していたそうだが、それを上回るワクワク感があった。参加することで確実に何かを得た。作品づくりはたいへんだが、ほかの国の写真家のダイナミックな作品を見てモチベーションも上がったので、次回もぜひ参加したいとのことだ。
We made the necessary arrangements for the portfolio Review. Our director, Everett Brown helped us with the presentation in English. People listened to us with great interest and someone took notes while the discussion.
毎月の勉強会で、ディレクターのエバレットさんに英語でのレビュー・リハーサルをしてもらうなど、SAMURAI FOTOとしてどんな準備をしてレビューに挑んだのか、また個人個人はどんな取り組みをしたのか、聴衆の皆さんもメモを取りながら真剣に聞いてくださいました。
It was Hiroaki Hasumi’s third time of the review in overseas. As he wanted many people to see his art works and recognize him as a photographer, he emphasized on his will to have his own photo exhibition in museums rather than making a contract with gallery owners. With the new challenge of making artworks called “Altenative+digital”, which is his own technique of photography, he promoted himself bravely. During the portfolio review, he made a contact with one of the reviewers. His artworks will be exhibited at a museum in university in the U.S. next year.
Shigeru Yoshida has already made contracts with many gallery owners. He talked about his past artworks and his new artwork of Ambro-typed photographs. He also told us the importance of keeping in touch with those people in abroad after the exhibitions or the reviews. As he’s donated his artworks to MOPA (Museum of Photographic Arts), he told his enthusiasms for making a social contribution with photography.
すでにギャラリーとの契約を果たしている吉田先生は今回のアンブロタイプの新作をつくるまでの過去の作品経緯を解説。また、レビューを受けたあとどのように「keep in touch」し続けるかなどのノウハウを公開。MOPA(Museum of Photographic Arts)への寄贈など写真での社会貢献について語ってくれました。
We had 4 FEET PHOTO REVIEW after the discussion. Not only the members who participated in Portfolio Review in Houston but also other members of SAMURAI FOTO joined to show their art works. Each member enjoyed the time with guests. They talked about the artist statements and the concepts of the artworks. Some people asked questions to the members. We had an after-party and it was also a great success.
FOTO FEST 2018のポートフォリオレビュー参加者の体験談のあとは、それぞれの作品を見せる4フィートフォトレビューを開催。ヒューストンでのレビュー参加者以外のSAMURAI FOTOメンバーも加わって、自分たちのプリント作品を並べて見ていただきました。ひとりひとりのプロジェクトのステートメントを読んでいただいたり、コンセプトをディスカッションしたり、作品をじっくり眺めて質問が飛んだりと、来場者の皆さんとともに熱心に語り合いました。最後に懇親会も行ないました。
Nothing will make us happier than having visitors share their thoughts.