October 1st - 7th, 2022 / 2022年10月1~7日
Since we watch the tragic news that happened this year, we have discussed our opinions about war at every month’s study session.
In WWⅡ, two atomic bombs were dropped, and 3 million people were died.
It can say that we hold peace because we chose no fighting.
We have talked about what we can do for the world through photography.
The preamble to the constitution of UNESCO declares that “since wars begin in the minds of men, it is in the minds of men that the defenses of peace must be constructed”. We’ve chosen this phrase as the theme of our photo exhibition this year.
Even if a country in the ravages of war or not, people must have “the defenses of peace in their minds” at the bottom.
If each of us is conscious of it, we can recognize that peace exists in everyone’s heart.
We thought our exhibition would make people aware of the peace in their minds.
Stripe gallery is located at a 4-minute walk from Roppongi station. The exhibition site was in the first basement and the first floor.
ストライプスペース Home Page
Nevelle Bower (left), the CEO of INNOVA, who not only provided the paper for the exhibition, but also came to Japan from the London headquarters, and Haga of SECO International Inc., who acted as a bridge between INNOVA and SAMURAI FOTO.
展示作品の用紙を提供してくださっただけでなく、ロンドン本社から来日してくださったイノーバ社のCEOであるNevelle Bowerさん(左)とその橋渡しをしてくださったSECO International Inc.の羽賀さん。
Kanie Setsuko, a director of SAMURAI FOTO, talked the process of creating a film for the Tokyo Documentary Film Festival and her artist statement. She also taught a new method of making an artist statement.
Sasaki Koji succeeded to sell his artworks well in TAIPEI ART PHOTO in 2018, because he put his several prints in a paulownia box. He instructed how to add a high-quality appearance to the artworks. Everyone wants to know the method of making such artworks at a low cost.
佐々木浩二さんは2018年のTAIREI ART PHOTOで数枚のプリントを桐の箱に入れて販売したところよく売れた制作法を伝授。ブレミア感がありつつ安価につくる方法は誰もが真似したくなる内容でした。
We are grateful to many people who joined the free seminars that we held on the first day (Saturday) and the second day (Sunday) afternoon of the photo exhibition. Some participants had to stand. The seminars were full of enthusiasm, and we were happy to share the time
Nevelle Bower was very impressed with our pursuit of the artist statements. He said, “I have never met a photographers’ group like this.” He came over to Japan and visited the exhibition for three days. As a professor at the University, he advised us that each of the artworks needs a story and showed his short movie that was related to his photography and words. He was kind enough to answer the questions about the overseas markets of paper manufacturers and optical whiteners.
As he has been focused on paper manufacturing work, he is interested in Japanese paper like washi. He saw our members’ past artworks closely and gave some advice to them.
An interview of Nevelle (English version)→https://youtu.be/-SE38bYg77o
Nevelle Bowerさんは「このように作品のアーティスト・ステートメントに拘るグループに会ったことはない」と大変、感動してくださって3日間も作品展に通ってくださいました。大学で教えてもいる彼は「作品にはストーリィが必要だ」といい、彼が製作した写真と言葉の関係に関する動画を見せてくれました。
Nevelleさんのインタビュー(English version)→https://youtu.be/-SE38bYg77o
We will hold another group photo exhibition in 2023, at the same place and at almost the same time. We will do our best to make great artworks from now on for another year and show you our further evolution. So, we would appreciate it if you will come and check our progress. Thank you for coming to our photo exhibition in 2022.
Nothing will make us happier than having visitors share their thoughts.