November 15th - 21st, 2024 / 2024年11月15~21日
This is the first time that our exhibition in Japan has been curated by a curator. Deborah, who is the honorary director of America's leading museum of art photography, MOPA, was in charge of the entire process of the exhibition, including the selection of artworks, and the naming of titles. We are holding the exhibition under the title of “TRANSCENDENCE”. All SAMURAI members were inspired by Deborah’s work, but obviously, many visitors seemed excited to be a part of “transcending to the next dimension” at the venue. We welcomed three new members to SAMURAI FOTO.
We set up a section for the permanent collection registered at the Pushkin Museum in April at the venue, and it made our exhibition more “transcendent”, compared to last year’s exhibition.
国内のSAMURAI FOTO展では初めて、作品セレクトやタイトル、全体的な構成などをキュレーターさんにお願いした展覧会です。しかも、アメリカを代表するアート写真美術館の名誉館長であるデボラ・クロチコさんにお引き受けいただき、『超越』というタイトルで開催いたしました。出展者である私たちも多くの学びと刺激をいただきましたが、ご来場の皆さまにも同様に、「次の次元へと超越する」という刺激を感じていただけたようです。
This exhibition is held at this gallery every year around this time. This marks the 5th year. The exhibition takes place on two floors, B1 and 1F, of Stripe Space, which is a 4-minute walk from Roppongi Station.
The 1st floor is actually a half-basement. A gentle natural light shines in from diagonally above, making the room bright. 15 of SAMURAI members exhibited their artworks. Deborah divided our artworks into 4 categories; Nature, Journey, Humanity, and Essence/Abstraction.
In the basement, we set up a space where visitors could see video works. Many of them stayed there for a long time. It was probably a comfortable place for them to relax. It was suitable for the two categories of Humanity and Essence/Abstraction.
Deborah Klochko is the Honorary Director of MOPA, the Museum of Photographic Art in San Diego. Our relationship has been going on for more than 10 years. She has been involved with our artworks for decades. That is why we were able to ask her to curate our exhibition.
This is a letter from Deborah. She explains the details of why she named the title of this exhibition “TRANSCENDENCE”, and also wrote how much impact the visitors would get from the exhibition.
Deborah is known all over the world as a specialist in the art photography industry. She told us her biography in details. She had been to Japan 16 times in total and had given a lecture at the Art University. She gave two portfolio reviews and lectures for us in Tokyo. Here is Deborah’s bio.
世界中のアート写真界でスペシャリストとして知られてきたデボラさんですが、その略歴についても今回は詳しく教えていただきました。日本には通算16回来日し、美大で講義したことも……。SAMURAI FOTOでも東京で2回ポートフォリオレビューと講演会をしていただいています。詳しい略歴についてはこちら。
We, SAMURAI FOTO have had many group exhibitions abroad. Our goal is to promote cultural relations with artists from different countries while respecting each other’s culture, as we did in San Francisco last March. We think we can do the same thing in Japan. This time, a Korean photographer, Jo, joined our exhibition. In this way, we would like to actively interact with foreign artists in Japan.
SAMURAI FOTOはこれまで海外で多くの展覧会をさせていただいてきました。今年3月のサンフランシスコ展のように異なる国の作家たちとお互いの文化を尊重し合いながら交流するのが目的ですが、国内での展覧会も同じです。今回は韓国のJoさんが参加してくださいましたが、今後は日本で海外の作家と交流する活動も積極的に進めていきます。
Thanks to Deborah and other art photography specialists, our group and solo exhibitions at national museums and photography museums overseas have become a reality. We believe in the power of expression of art photography. We would like to contribute to building a happy society by connecting with people around the world, even if in a humble way. We believe we share have the same passion and purpose for art photography. Here is a letter from Deborah.
Andrey Martynov, is also a very famous curator in Russian art photography. He has organized many of our exhibitions. Not only in Russia, but also in other countries, such as LA in the United States, Italy, and China, were the places where he has organized. Thanks to Andrey’s great efforts, some of the artworks of SAMURAI members were selected for the permanent collection of the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts. We have the same goal and here is the message from Andrey.
ロシアのアート写真界の重鎮であるアンドレイ・マルティノフさんも、私たちSAMURAI FOTOの多くの展覧会を企画してくださったキュレーターさんです。ロシアだけに留まらず、LA、イタリア、中国などでグループ展を開催。メンバーの作品がプーシキン美術館の永久保存となったのも彼のお陰でした。彼も活動の目的は同じで、この展覧会のために文章を寄せてくださいました。
There are approximately 100,000 artworks in the State Pushkin State Museum of Fine Art in Moscow. It is the second largest museum in the world after the Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg. In April 2024, more than 40 artworks by Yoshida Shigeru, Sasaki Koji, Sato Motoko, Jo In-jeung, Hasumi Hiroki, and Murata Koji were selected for the museum’s permanent collection.
モスクワにある国立プーシキン美術館の収蔵数は約10万点。サンクトペテルブルクにあるエルミタージュ美術館に次ぐ世界第2位の美術館です。今年4月、この美術館のパーマネント・コレクションに、吉田繁先生、佐々木浩二さん、佐藤素子さん、Jo In-jeungさん、蓮見浩明さん、村田光司さんの作品、合計40点以上が選ばれました。
This is Olga Averyanova(left) and Andrey Martynov(right). Olga is the chief curator of photography at the Pushkin Museum. Andrey introduced her to us and recommended our artworks. Our artworks are permanently preserved in this museum and are expected to hold the exhibition in the future.
Yoshida Shigeru; 12 photographs from his 4 projects were selected.
Museum Web Site
Sasaki Koji; 4 photographs from his 2 projects were selected.
Museum Web Site
Hasumi Hiroaki; 12 photographs from his 4 projects were selected.
Museum Web Site
Sato Motoko; 8 photographs from her 2 projects were selected.
Museum Web Site
Murata Koji; 4 photographs from his 2 projects were selected.
Museum Web Site
Jo In-jeung; photographs were selected from his 2 projects.
Jo In-jeungさんも2つのプロジェクトから選ばれました。
Museum Web Site
We had time to talk with curators and gallery owners living outside of Tokyo on Zoom. We explained the concepts of the project in English while showing our own artworks at the venue. Before the review, each of the members expressed their gratitude to Deborah.
English is a necessity for international exchange.
Once you have learned simple greetings for daily conversation and your own artist statements, it is not that difficult. Through the Zoom Review this time, every member could improve their communication skills in English.
Each of us wanted to say “Thank you” to Deborah. We are all grateful that she took the time to come and see us, even though she lives far away. Therefore, the motivation to speak in English could naturally come from within. This is a tip for improving your English skill.
We connected Sue Park of Shatto Gallery in LA via Zoom. She will join our group exhibition at KYOTOGRAPHIE next April. We will also participate in the Shatto Gallery exhibition in November.
LAのShatto GallleryのオーナーであるSue ParkさんともZoomで繋がりました。来年4月の京都グラフィのSAMURAI FOTO展にはご自身も参加してくださると同時に、11月には私たちがShatto Gallleryさんの展示に参加することになっています。
Also, we were able to show our artworks and artist statements to Irina Chmyreva. She was the art director of PhotoVisa, the international photography festival that Yoshida Shigeru was invited to in 2014 with Deborah. Irina gave us advice. We were grateful that the relationship we once established has still continued.
吉田繁先生がデボラさんと共に2014年に招待された国際写真フェスティバルPhotoVisaのアートディレクターIrina Chmyrevaさんにも作品とステートメントを見ていただき、アドバイスをいただきました。かつて結んだ関係が途切れずに続いていることに感謝です。
Photographs of a local city where he has lived for several years due to his work. Since he will be leaving this place, he started to take pictures of the daily events in order to remember them. This project was a collection of his casual scenes of his neighborhood.
When Koizumi said she wanted to wear a white skirt, her mother said, “No. White gets dirty easily.” She obeyed her mother because she thought her mother was right. But this is a self-made discipline, not a rule to be followed. This project is for those who are struggling with their self-made discipline.
By chance, I found these images and it reminded me of my childhood feelings. It took me back to the time when I put treasures in my pocket. Nowadays we have to go through some hardships. Thus, we grown-ups have to put our hopes in our pockets.
It was the earthquake that brought him back to his hometown after being away for more than 30 years. The experience of sudden disruption had a severe impact on him. There are no guarantees for tomorrow. This is obviously true. The earthquake made me realized that.
“The more you try to forget something, the more it stays in your mind. Someone says that if you have to throw something away, you have to put it in your heart”. These are the words of Wong Kar Wai in his movie, “Ashes of Time”. Chiyoda was impressed by these words and decided to revisit her trapped memories.
Solar panels are being constructed all over Japan, and the forests are being severely eroded. However, no one has considered how to maintain and retrieve them. This project is a wake-up call for a future that will be full of debris left in the missing forests.
As the seasons change, the roots know what to do and fulfill their roles even when no one sees them. The important thing in life is to fulfill our duties, and we should do the right thing at the right time. I felt that the lotus taught me this.
When I was taking photographs in the area affected by the earthquake and the nuclear power plant accident, I initially focused only on the tragic events of the past. However, as I talked to survivors of the disaster, I realized that there are important things in these daily lives, which means that “truly precious things” are always there in our everyday lives.
For 20 years, I have been working with black-and-white film using traditional analog methods on Jeju Island (the southernmost island of Korea). The object of photography is the wind, water, stone and forests of the land. My goal is to express the profound beauty and stories of the scenery common to this island, and to create the artworks like composing a poem.
I don’t want to worry about the photographic technique, but I want to embrace the magnificence of nature with awe. In the words of Nikos Kazantzakis, “I am not afraid of nature. Therefore, I am one with nature.” I believe that nature should be left as it is.
In general, the development of civilization has a negative impact on the natural environment. In Madagascar, on the other hand, the baobab trees, which have dramatically attracted tourists, have been cherished as “a cash cow” for communities.
17 minutes video
In the past, the bark of the baobab tree was peeled off to make rope and roofing materials, but now people are taking care of them and even planting baobabs. I would like to talk with people from different countries about whether or not it is a good thing to take care of trees for money.
Videos of the process of making the artworks.
●Hasumi Hiroaki
●Sato Motoko
●Murata Koji Murata
●Sasaki Kazuhiro
The SAMURAI FOTO exhibition in Japan in 2025 will be held at KG+ in April. There is a little change in the exhibitors and artworks, but please look forward to the next exhibition. Deborah will be organizing the show for us again. We are looking forward to seeing you all soon.
Next exhibition will be held from April 15th- 27th. (Dohjidai Gallery of Art)
2025年の日本でのSAMURAI FOTO展は4月の京都グラフィと同時開催のKG+になります。
日程 : 4/15-27(同時代ギャラリー)
Nothing will make us happier than having visitors share their thoughts.