We had a debrief session of TAP and Paris Photo and some of the members showed their new artworks


November 24th, 2018 / 2018年11月24日

From November 9th to 12th, we joined Taipei Art Photo for the first time. It was our first challenge to sell our artworks. We had a debrief session of it and talked about the agenda for next year. Some members of SAMURAI FOTO visited Paris Photo and saw the satellite events of it. They talked about the current photography market in Paris. Furthermore, some members, including newcomer, showed their new artworks. One of the members will have a solo photo exhibition, and asked for some advice for the way of presentment. So, we shared each member’s thoughts on it.
11月9~12日にギャラリーとして初参加したTaipei Art Photoの結果報告と、来年に向けての課題の検討を行いました。また、SAMURAI FOTOメンバーが視察してきたパリフォトやそのサテライトイベント、パリのギャラリーでの展示などを通して、今年のパリの写真事情を発表してもらいました。また、会員による新しいプロジェクトの作品発表や、国内での個展開催予定者からの作品展示方法の相談を受けて意見交換を行いました。

A report on Taipei Art Photo
(Setsuko Kanie, Hiroaki Hasumi, Koji Sasaki, Motoko Sato and Shigeru Yoshida)
Taipei Art Photo 報告 (蟹江節子、蓮見浩明、佐々木浩二、佐藤素子、吉田繁)  

Hiroaki Hasumi

Kanie talked about our first challenge for TAP2018. She told about her impression of age-group of visitors and the taste of Taiwanese for art.

Hiroaki Hasumi

We collaborated with Mr. Tsen’s studio in Taipei on making artworks. Thanks to his help, we succeeded in making a cultural bridge with Taiwan, said Kanie.

Hiroaki Hasumi

Hasumi showed and explained about some artworks in another booth. He told us good points and bad points of our exhibition there. Moreover, he talked about the measures for next year’s exhibition.

Hiroaki Hasumi

We had talk event at TAP. This is the short movie which Hasumi showed the audience at the talk event. Showing short movie was effective way to make people understand many things in short time.

Hiroaki Hasumi

Sasaki’s photo books in the paulownia box were all sold out. During TAP, he was suggested to hold his photo exhibition in Taipei. So, he went to see some potential locations and had a meeting for the exhibition. He was surprised to get such an unexpected opportunity.
桐箱入りのPhoto Bookが完売した佐々木さんは、TAP開催期間中に台北での写真展開催を誘われ、その候補会場にも足を運び、打ち合わせをしました。予期せぬ大きな収穫があり、ご自身も驚いたという。

Hiroaki Hasumi

A Taiwanese woman photographer put up her booth next to us. Sasaki was surprised to see her because he had seen her artworks in Japan. Photographers in Taiwan were with full of ideas and many of them were unique and stimulative.

Hiroaki Hasumi

Sato, whose artworks were also sold there, said she was happy to have a good communication with people in Taiwan. They once saw the photograph, the understood the concept of the photography.

Hiroaki Hasumi

She made her photo books in Japanese bookbinding style and all of them were sold out. She showed her obsession with the photo book and explained the details of it.

Hiroaki Hasumi

Thanks to Yoshida, our participation in TAP became a reality. He organized everything from planning to arrangements. He also worked for the incentive allocation.

A report on Paris Photo

Hiroaki Hasumi

Chiyoda, who has been to see Paris Photo over the past years, talked about a trend of the photography of the year. There were many artworks which reflected on social issues such as problems of terrorism and refugees.

Hiroaki Hasumi

With the winners of the Editors’ Photo Award ZOOMS JAPAN, Chiyoda visited many other exhibitions. She shared how she felt and her thought with us.
日本とフランスが協力して行う写真賞ZOOMSの受賞者とともに、Salon de la Photoのほか、様々な展示会にも足を運んだ千代田さんはそれらの感想も発表。

Hiroaki Hasumi

This is the artwork of Laura Henno. Chiyoda got so much impression from this when she saw it in Galerie Les Filles du Calvarie.
千代田さんが印象に残ったというGalerie Les Filles du Calvaireに飾られていたLaura Hennoさんの作品。
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New projects (Naoya Kawauchi, Koji Murata, Seiji Kazui and Michiko Chiyoda)

Hiroaki Hasumi

This is Kawauchi’s first challenge for the photo project. He brought his photographs that he had taken before. We exchanged opinions with each other and Kawauchi compiled ideas for the shoot theme.

Hiroaki Hasumi

Murata has learned through tries and errors on his project for more than one year. He sprayed gold or silver over the photo paper and printed the photographs on them. While taking time and effort, they became stately artworks.

Hiroaki Hasumi

The structure is also great. Moreover, every fine petal was well expressed without being blurred in the photograph of cherry tree. We felt Murata’s obsession for creating artworks.

Kazui who are living in Hokkaido showed his two projects.

Kazui who are living in Hokkaido showed his two projects. As he has just started taking photographs, he asked advice on his concept. We gave some advice for his direction.

Kazui who are living in Hokkaido showed his two projects.

This is one of Kazui’s photographs. His photography motif was Ainu people. We have a good feeling about the project. It can convey Japanese traditional culture.

Kazui who are living in Hokkaido showed his two projects.

Chiyoda will have the solo exhibition in January. She asked some advice for it. To suit her artworks with story nature, the way of presentment and the photo size was finally decided.

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Nothing will make us happier than having visitors share their thoughts.