We had a lecture on how to use a new image editing software with advanced AI processing and talked about a group exhibition schedules in 2021.


October 26th, 2019 / 2019年10月26日

We invited two experts; Kaino from SOFTWARE Too and Noda from SKYLUM SOFTWARE and got demonstrations how to use the forthcoming image editing software, “Luminar 4”. They showed a new feature of it. We have been taking time to process the images with Photoshop, but with this AI-equipped software, it can be finished in a moment, which was really surprising.
And we talked about our group exhibition in SHATTO GALLERY in LA and the Portfolio Review that we got from Deborah at MOPA (Museum of Photographic Arts). Furthermore, we shared good news that we will have a group exhibition in 2021.

SOFTWARE Tooの海野さんとSKYLUM SOFTWAREの野田さんにお越しいただいて、発売間近の画像編集ソフト“Luminar 4”の新機能についてデモンストレーションをしていただきました。いままでPhotoshopなどで手間がかかっていた画像編集もAIが搭載されたこのソフトなら瞬時に完成。驚かされました。
また、ロサンゼルスのSHATOO GALLERYで行われたグループ展と、MOPA(Museum of Photographic Arts)のデボラさんに受けたポートフォリオレビューの様子を報告しました。さらに2021年のSAMURAI FOTOグループ展に関してのグッドニュースを発表しました。

About a new feature of “Luminar4”
“Luminar 4”の新機能について

Samurai Foto Meeeting

We were all impressed how fast the image editing can be done by the software. It was time-consuming using an image editing app, such as Photoshop for image editing. For more information, please go to the website of swtoo.com

Photoshopなどで手間をかけてやっていた画像編集が素早くできることに全員が感動。詳しくはswtoo.comのWebsiteをご覧ください SOFTWARE Too:株式会社ソフトウェア・トゥー

Samurai Foto Meeeting

Luminar is a simple interface that allows you to finish the photographs impressive. The AI technique was really amazing.

amurai Foto Meeeting / For ERARTA Museum

AI sky replacement can replace a sky part with another sky. Then it adjusts the color tone of the original image and matches the brightness and color tone of the replaced sky.


AI skin enhancer removes your skin imperfections in the photographs. At the same time, skin pores, texture of the skin and hair are preserved. It also detects the texture of the skin, not only face but all the body and smoothing it.


AI structure distinguishes the objects such as people, faces, clouds, water and buildings by recognition function and automatically identify the object which to be emphasized or not and apply optimal correction.


AI Sky enhancer; Lunimar’s unique filter uses artificial intelligence technology. It automatically processes a sky part in the photo and finishes it beautifully and impressively.

A report on LA tour

Kanie's report of LA tour

Setsuko Kanie showed members a short movie of LA tour.
蟹江節子さんからSHATTO GALLERYでの吉田先生のスピーチや、MOPAのデボラさんのレビューの様子を動画で見せてもらいました。

Yoshida suggested to show curators the artworks

Before the exhibition, Shigeru Yoshida suggested to show curators the artworks of other members who couldn’t go to LA this time. And it made a big push to hold a group exhibition in MOPA in 2021.

Samurai Foto Meeeting

Motoko Sato was impressed with the way of Deborah’s artwork evaluations. She sorted photographs into groups amazingly well in a short time. Sato felt the level of Debora’s review was really high.

Samurai Foto Meeeting

Michiko Chiyoda’s project is made under the theme of her deceased mother. Deborah suggested to omit one photo from the project. And we tried to guess which one was it…

Samurai Foto Meeeting

In Hiroshi Harada’s artworks, there was a part that Deborah pointed out that Harada should shoot without it. She advised it on her first sight and it was acceptable advice for him.

Samurai Foto Meeeting

Shigeru Yoshida re-enacted Deborah’s review with his new project which will be exhibited in NY. We were trying to guess Deborah’s favorite photo.

Presentation of members’ artworks
(Hiroshi Harada, Noriko Aoyama, Atom, Koji Sasaki and Kazuhiro Sasaki)

Samurai Foto Meeeting

Hiroshi Harada wanted to have a talk about his new project with members. He has been wavering over the artist statement and wanted to know members’ opinions.

Noriko Aoyama presented her project. She expressed her feelings and thoughts for her mother directly in her photographs. And the artist statement was perfectly well written.

Atom tried to express the problems that Japan should solve immediately with the simple and symbolic objects such as Japan’s national flag, Kimono and Torii gate in his photography.

Samurai Foto Meeeting

Koji Sasaki showed his latest artwork. He used ‘cut’ motif in his project and he is still working hard on it. He says it is difficult to accord his artist statement with the photographs.

Kazuhiro Sasaki uses water as a motif in his project and showed an additional work for it. As the print size is large, there have been only three artworks so far. But his project is gradually improved.

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