From February 27th to March 4th, SAMURAI FOTO held our 4th Photo Exhibition, “Making a beautiful bridge” at Subway Gallery M in Minatomirai station, Yokohama. There, a photographer, Kohji Suwa held a free seminar; Lossless Processing and Basic Printing in Photoshop
※For the seminar schedule; Click here
※For the photo Exhibition; Click here
Provided by Adobe systems Ltd.
ある「サブウェイギャラリーM」で開催されたSAMURAI FOTO写真展4th “Making a beautiful bridge”において、写真家・諏訪光二氏によるセミナー「Photoshopによるロスレス処理とプリントの基本」を開催しました。
協力:アドビシステムズ 株式会社
Suwa has worked on the silver halide photography for a long time. Photo retouching has been done in silver halide photographic prints, just like digital processing. Thanks to Photoshop, photo retouching gets easier, so let’s utilize it for your photography more.
This is a silver halide print of Suwa. The technique of coloring the mountain range red is not a new thing. In old times, people have done photo retouching in silver halide photography to match the image that they have in their mind.
For not losing the photo quality, edit the photo in RAW as many as possible and do RGB processing in Photoshop. Open Camera Calibration panel and set the camera files. There are various options to choose.
画質を下げないためにはCamera Rawで、できるだけのことをやり、その後にPhotoshopでRGB処理する。Camera Rawを開いたら、まずは「カメラキャリブレーション」を開いて「カメラファイル」を設定する。カメラファイルにはさまざまなものが用意されている。
Remember to place a check mark on ‘Open Photoshop with smart object’ in ‘Workflow option’ so that the quality of the photo won’t be lost and it is always easy to get back to Camera Raw screen. You can redo Raw processing later on.
「ワークフローオプション」で忘れてはならないのは「Phptpshopでスマートオブジェクトして開く」にチェックを入れること。こうしておくと画質の劣化がなく、Camera Raw画面にすぐに戻れ、あとからRaw現像だけをやり直せるので便利。
Remember to place a check mark on ‘Open Photoshop with smart object’ in ‘Workflow option’ so that the quality of the photo won’t be lost and it is always easy to get back to Camera Raw screen. You can redo Raw processing later on.
Then do ‘the basic correction’. Here, you should keep in mind to adjust the base of the image in the whole picture. Then do the partial correction individually.
You have to be careful when you do the color settings, you should set ‘manage in Photoshop’. If you forget to do this, the color calibration will be done by the printer. Suwa says that the matching method varies among individual and he chooses ‘keep relative color gamut’.
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