The international exhibition“Landscape : East meets West”

October 18th to November 7th, 2019 / 2019年10月18日〜11月7日

SHATTO GALLERY is located in downtown in LA. They held the international photography exhibition “Landscape: East meets West” and we joined the grand opening of the exhibition. 33 selected photographers from 9 countries showed their artworks. We had a chance to show our artworks to Lorenzo Uccellini, one of the curators of this exhibition. He is a gallery owner of which we hold our group exhibition next spring in Italy.

LAのダウンタウンにあるSHATTO GALLERYでの展覧会“Landscape : East meets West”のオープニング・セレモニーに出席しました。9カ国から33名のアーティストが選出された国際的な展覧会です。また、今回の展覧会のキュレーターであるロレンゾ・ウッチェリーニさんにSAMURAIの作品を見ていただきました。彼は来春、イタリアで開催されるグループ展開催場所として予定されているギャラリーのオーナーです。

Showing our artworks to the owner of The BID/Art Space
The BID/Art Spaceのオーナーに作品を見てもらう

The gallery is in Pesaro, Italy. Lorenzo Uccellini is the owner and we will have our group exhibition there next spring.
The BID/Art SpaceはイタリアのPesaroにあるギャラリー。来春、SAMURAIがグループ展を開催する予定で、そのオーナーがロレンゾさんです。

Three of SAMURAI members went to LA this time and we brought other members’ in Japan’s artworks to show Lorenzo.
今回のLAツアーには3名が行きましたが、その他のSAMURAI FOTOメンバーの作品も見ていただきました。来春の展示作品として選んでいただくためです。

Lorenzo came to LA for curating the exhibition in SHATTO GALLERY. We were lucky to see him before the group exhibition in Italy next spring.
ロレンゾさんはSHATTO GALLERYでの展覧会のキュレーションを務めるためにいらしていました。来春までに直接、お会いできてよかったです。

The opening day of SHATTO GALLERY

The gallery is newly opened in the back of SHATTO Building which is located in downtown in LA.
SHATTO GALLERYはロサンゼルスの賑やかなダウンタウンに位置するSHATTOビルの一階奥にオープンしたばかりです。

The gallery owner, Sue Park is also a photographer. She visits Hokkaido every winter to take photographs. The right one is her artwork.
ギャラリーのオーナーはSue Parkさん。毎冬、北海道に撮影に訪れるという写真家でもあります。右のスクエア・プリントがスーさんの作品。

Lorenzo is a photographer as well. We could see his artwork, too. 33 photographers from 9 countries were selected to join the exhibition “Landscape: East meets West”.
写真家でもあるロレンゾさんの作品も飾られていました。”Landscape: East meets West” というこの展覧会には9カ国から33名のアーティストが選ばれた。

Yujin Iris Jeong (right) is a curator of SHATTO GALLERY. She is a Factory at Seoul Institute of the Art and She is also a very talented artist.
右がSHATTO GALLERYのキュレーター、Yujin Iris Jeongさん。美大出身の彼女もアーティストとして活躍しています。

Motoko Sato selected her artworks from the projects of two, a black and white photograph of “Les Cadeaux” and colored photo of “La Resonancia”.
佐藤素子さんの作品はモノクロの”Les Cadeaux” とカラーの”La Resonancia” の2つのプロジェクトの中から選ばれました。

Koji Sasaki exhibited three of his photographs of an abandoned school from the project “Sound of silence”.
佐々木浩二さんの作品は廃校になった小学校をモチーフとしたプロジェクト”Sound of silence”からの3点。

Collotype photography is by Everett Kennedy Brown. He captured the beauty of Japan’s scenery.
Everett Kennedy Brownさんはコロタイプ印刷でとらえた日本らしい風景作品。

Shigeru Yoshida exhibited from his project, “A Border for a Prayer” and some photographs from his another project of big trees.
吉田繁先生は”A Border for a Prayer”と世界中の巨木をモチーフにしたプロジェクトから出展。

Hiroaki Hasumi’s exhibits were from the project “Samadhi”, in which he expressed his thought through the photographs of karesansui or Japanese dry landscape garden. Also, some other photos were selected from “Nippon”, in which he used cherry blossoms as a motif.

Hiroshi Harada selected some pictures from his project “Zipang”. In this project he expressed Japanese spirituality within Japanese scenery.

The Grand opening@SHATTO GALLERY
オープニングセレモニー@SHATTO GALLERY

SHATTO GALLERY is a really big gallery. As our schedule was tight, they did the opening ceremony on Friday night for us. The traffic on Fridays is really terrible in LA and some people couldn’t get to the gallery on time. We were sorry for that. The following day was the real opening day of the exhibition and many times of people came than the previous day.
SHATTOGALLERYは本当に広いスペースを持つギャラリーです。私たちの予定を優先していただいて金曜日の夕方に開催されたオープニング・セレモニー。じつは LAの金曜日はとくに渋滞が激しいということで時間通りに到着できない方がいらして申し訳なかったです。実質的なオープニング・デーである翌日にはこの何倍もの人々が訪れたそうです。

A Russian curator, Andrey Martynov who was also in charge of the exhibition couldn’t come this time, but he joined the ceremony through the internet.
この展覧会の作品セレクトを担当したロシアのAndrey Martynovさんはビザの関係で渡米できなかったのでネットで参加してくださいました。

As a representation from SAMURAI FOTO, Shigeru Yoshida gave a speech which content was wonderful. We were proud of being a part of making a Beautiful Bridge with other countries through the photography exhibition.
SAMURAI FOTOを代表して吉田繁先生がスピーチ。こういう展覧会の他の国とBeautiful Bridgeをつくることだという素晴らしい内容でした。

Lorenzo’s daughter joined and we took pictures together. After the party, we were invited to the dinner party. We are all grateful for getting this great opportunity there.

A short movie of the opening ceremony at SHATTO GALLERY

We are so proud of being selected for such a great international photography exhibition at SHATTO GALLERY. We are all thankful for their hospitality there. The bond that we have made together will be a great encouragement to us. We hope our relationship will last as long as possible.

SHATTI GALLERYのオープニングに当たる国際的なグループ展の中に、私たちSAMURAI FOTOのメンバーの作品を選んでいただいたことに感謝いたします。また、いろいろとお気遣いいただきありがとうございました。ロサンゼルスの地、SHATTOGALLERYさんとご縁ができたことは私たちの励みになります。今後ともいろいろと協力し合って、この関係を大切に続けていきたいと思っています。

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