Six members of SAMURAI FOTO exhibited their artworks in the prestigious national museum.
吉田繁先生ほか5名によるSAMURAI FOTO展が格式ある国立博物館で開催

October 20th ,2021 - January 16th, 2022 / 2021年10月20日~2022年1月16日

The National Museum, “The Museum of Nature and Man”, located in the capital of the Khanty-Mansiysk autonomous region in midwestern Russia, was founded in 1932. Six members (Yoshida Shigeru, Hasumi Hiroaki, Sasaki Koji, Sato Motoko, Harada Koji and Everett Brown) showed their artworks on behalf of SAMURAI FOTO in this historical museum. The exhibition under the theme of “Modern meditative landscape photography with the spirit of Japanese traditional aesthetics”, was curated by Andrey Martynov, a major figure in contemporary art. It is a great honor that the local people showed their deep interests in our artworks and we were glad to take one more step as the international exchange even in the COVID-19 situation.

ロシア中西部に位置するハンティ・マンシ自治管区の首都にある国立「自然・人間博物館」は1932年に設立されました。吉田繁先生、蓮見浩明、佐々木浩二、佐藤素子、原田浩司、エバレット・ケネディ・ブラウンの6名がSAMURAI FOTOを代表して、この歴史ある博物館での展覧会に出展しました。現代アート界の重鎮であるアンドレイ・マルティノフさんのキュレーションによるこの展覧会のテーマは「日本の伝統的な美意識の精神が込められた現代の瞑想的な風景写真」。コロナ禍でも国際交流の一歩として現地の方々に興味深く見ていただけたことはたいへん光栄です。

The 4th touring exhibition in Russia

This is a web site of THE MUSEUM OF NATURE AND MAN, which introduces the SAMURAI FOTO Exhibition.
博物館についての英語サイト Home Page

This is Andrey Martynov, a very famous curator in Russia, who made this exhibition a reality. SAMURAI FOTO members could participate the online opening ceremony.

Inside this historical museum, natural light is well-adjusted, and the lights are well- arranged to help people see artworks easily.

The opening ceremony

Many people who have deep interests in Japanese scenery and spirituality participated in the online opening ceremony which connected Russia and Japan.

Here is our website that introduces six SAMURAI FOTO members’ artworks. (Source: Report of Erarta Museum)

The exhibition site

In the exhibition site, the poster featuring Hasumi’s artwork was displayed and our activities were introduced in detail.
会場には蓮見さんの作品があしらわれた展覧会ポスターとともに、SAMURAI FOTOに関しても丁寧に説明していただきました。

We were so glad that our activities were well explained: since SAMURAI FOTO’s establishment in 2012, our ongoing activities have been our efforts of international exchange through photography. Moreover, we were happy that the local people could understand Japanese people’s thoughts and affections for nature.
SAMURAI FOTOが2012年の設立以来、作品を通して国際交流をしてきたこと、日本人は自然に対して思索的で情緒的であることが伝えられことは嬉しい限りです。

A video was played at the venue, which introduced artist statements of not only the 6 exhibitors but also other SAMURAI FOTO members'.
会場では出展者6名だけでなく、他のSAMURAI FOTOメンバーを含めたアーティスト・ステートメントについての動画が流されました。

We are so grateful for the locals that came to the exhibition

We’d like to express our appreciation for all people who came to the exhibition during the severe COVID-19 situations. We are looking forward to seeing you face-to-face next time.

Feel free to contact us.

Nothing will make us happier than having visitors share their thoughts.